Neil Rivers, 20, was killed trying to stop Deandre Lamont Williams, 18, from taking a dirtbike. His family is outraged that Williams was out of jail to commit the murder in the first place, and that he got only 50 years.
Shaidon "Papa Don" Blake was found guilty of second-degree murder and conspiracy in the death of Terrence Randolph, 19. Two other co-defendants, Janet Johnson and Jermile Harvey, were also found guilty of first-degree murder and conspiracy. "Prosecutors said Blake is a high-ranking member of the Bloods who came from California to get Terrence Randolph and other gang members in line."
Dawson sister: seven family members were killed because they "Believed," were not given promised protection.
Police have released a composite of the Fredneck hit-and-run killer, left.
City bank robber Terron Moore got 11 years 4 months. If only the teller had used a prophylactic excessive-customer-service-technique to disarm him from the gitgo ...