Wednesday, January 6, 2010

more details on the Dixon deal
more details on the Dixon deal

Dixon to Step Down

as part of plea deal, sources say

Dixon to Plea?

Follow the #Dixontrial hash tag!

Jayne and David Collins and JZ's Mike Hellegren are "live" down by the courthouse, where a court order is keeping media away from the courthouse entrance.

hoy en ley

A 17-year-old shot near Penn Station

Police are ISO a 14-year-old who allegedly shot a 13-year-old in Woodlawn.

.. and a registered sex offender accused of molesting an 8-year-old at a city church. Barf

TDR has a roundup of law blogs (scroll down)

Big, BIG Dixon News?!

Fenton Tweets: "So, I'm not covering the Dixon case, but all indications right now that there will be big, big news at 1:30"

Fox tweets, "Negotiations are underway for a plea deal in Mayor Shelia Dixon's case"

Dixon and five jurors were due in court today

Dixon Speaks!

Not to the public, exactly.. instead she rang up Annie Linskey for a little girl talk, moaning, "The bad choice I made was getting in a relationship with Ron Lipscomb"
Way to pass the buck!
Maybe the judge will sentence her to six weeks of Tough Love bootcamp.
She went on to gripe about her perceived media mis-portrayals: "That I'm a corrupt human being, because I'm not ... That I use my office for my personal gain, and I don't. That I'm a person that used these positions for myself, and I don't."
Then do us all a favor, take the fall and step down!
She has a point though-- developers surely gained more out of her being in office than she ever did.
Think they'll cover her legal bills in gratitude?

Officer in trouble

City officer under investigation for telling family of a murder victim that he was locked up, instead of taking a missing persons report

DOJ responds to Clay inquiry

The department of justice weighs in on the death of Robert Clay

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Will Facebook set the "Mayor" "free"?
You can't ban somebody from Facebook!
What if there's a lost calf that needs a home?
What if you're in the middle of cooking a virtual chicken?

Thursday, December 31, 2009

The Year That Was

January of 2009 kicked off with Baltimore Police Commissioner Frederick Bealefeld personally arresting two people and seizing the sawed-off shotguns they were shooting in the air, and the month went on with 22 murders, including five teenagers. Maryland kicked off DNA collection, wonder how long the backlog is? And did the lab ever fix the 15 "essential" procedural criteria that, in violation of state and federal laws, the BPD continues to conceal from the public?
and Holy Crap! The Mayor was Indicted!

February kicked off with the "gold medal winner of bong hits," and "A Baltimore man filed a $210 million civil lawsuit ... in connection with a 2006 incident during which he says a band of rogue cops held him at gunpoint in the street, stripped him and searched his rectum in front of about 30 onlookers."
Wonder what happened to that one?
And February marked the end of The Examiner, which would become the beginning of Investigative Voice.

March kicked off with a murder outside of Coconuts, we learned of a murderous girl gang known as the Bounty Hunters and heard tales of Bloods-affiliated prison guards, plus the story of "Kanibal Lecktor," who led the Bloods from his Cumberland prison cell.
And don't forget, who Rikki Spector weaseled out of a traffic ticket and claimed the officer whose order she ignored needed more training.

In April, dog owners foamed at the mouth at new $1,000 leash fines. Indictments revealed how the Black Guerilla family got cell phones and Grey Goose vodka in jail. And there were the very sad stories of Lemuel Wallace and the family murders at the Towson Sheraton.

May kicked off with Patrick Byers spared the death penalty for the murder of Carl Lackl, and continued with pedestrians attacked by packs of wilding teens, a trend that would go on to rage through the summer. And Helen Holton thanked the Almighty for getting her off the hook! HALLELUJAH!

In June there was a hextuple at Shirley's Honey Hole, Bealefeld keeled over during the police 10k, and the CP debuted the charming feature, "Guerilla Family Portraits." And we met scary Sirliar Stokes, who shot a dancer in the woods and then went back to the strip club. And in June the year's oldest murder victim, Ethel Henderson, was set on fire, allegedly by her drug-addicted grandson who was angry she wouldn't give him money.

July brought more street attacks. In NY, a baby shower for the wife of Jamie Hector, the actor who played Marlo Stanfield in The Wire, ended in a gunfight that left a 17-year-old dead and two men injured. And the Sun turned to Twitter in a big way.

August was Jon Cardin's douchey proposal and lots of Harbor violence.

In September, Ponts killed Rice with the samurai sword, and hidden cameras revealed how helpful and friendly Baltimore ACORN staffers are.
And we got this stat:
"The 234 people killed last year had a combined 2,404 prior arrests - 162 related to guns and 898 related to drugs. That's an average of 10 arrests per suspect and 10.3 arrests per victim."

In October, Hopkins student Miriam Frankl was mowed down by a rampaging drunk after cops repeatedly ignored 911 calls.

November's claim to fame is the trial-- and conviction-- of the Mayor, who still refuses to step down. Still no word on who's going to pay for her crack team of esquires.

And here in December, we saw an 81-year-old put in jail by mistake, a soldier on leave from Afghanistan killed on a trip to the store, and our youngest murder victim, 20-month-old Janaya Wallace. And at 237 official homicides, we're wrapping up the year with three more murders than last year. For what it's worth.

2009 Victims

  • 238. Anthony Netzel, 56, 1 S. Highland Ave. (Beaten 12/24/07, Added. 12/31/09)

  • 237. Jeffrey Ward, 19, 3800 block of Oakford Ave. (12/30)

  • 236. Joseph Beatty, 38, 2300 block of Greenmount Ave. (12/29)

  • 235. Trina Johnson, 27, 1900 block of E. Lanvale St. (Found 10/08/2008, Added 12/27)

  • 234. Harrison Butler, 44, 700 block of North Linwood St. (12/26)

  • 233. Kinlaw Jones, 21, 1800 block of East Pratt St. (12/26)

  • 232. Ashley Harper, 53, 700 Block of West Lexington St. (12/26)

  • 231. Wayne Ruder, 56, 6999 Reisterstown Rd. (12/26)

  • 230. Janaya Wallace, 1, 2800 block of Kentucky Ave. (12/23)

  • 229. Danell Freeman, 19, 1000 block of McAleer Ct. (12/22)

  • 228. Stephen Makia, 28, 500 block of Belle Avenue (12/20)

  • 227. Clifford Williams, 22, 600 block of S. Wickham St. (12/20)

  • 226. Joshua Hargrove, 20, 1600 E North Ave. (12/19)

  • 225. Darnell Gray, 35, 700 block of Bartlett Ave. (12/16)

  • 224. Dante Johnson-Turner, 29, 4700 block of Liberty Heights Ave. (12/11)

  • 223. Dagas McGill, 39, 2300 block of Etting St. (Shot 9/17/99, d. 9/11/09)

  • 222. Glen Johnson, 32, 3300 Woodstock Ave. (12/12)

  • 221. Jamal Keates, 27, 2459 Shirley Ave. (12/12)

  • 220. Shannon Colbert, 32, 1400 E. Preston St. (Shot 8/14/08, d. 9/24/09)

  • 219. Deborah Beard, 59, 5500 Midwood Ave. (12/8)

  • 218. Corey Jones, 20, 2700 block of Orleans St. (12/05)

  • 217. Wayne Smith, 42, 2200 E. Fayette St. (Shot 1998, d. 12/03/09)

  • 216. Joshuan Beasley, 26, 1000 N. Carey St. (11/30)

  • 215. Tavon Waters, 26, 2800 Boarman Ave. (Shot 2006, d. 12/03/09)

  • 214. Qurra Iqbal, 17, 5500 Midwood Ave. (12/03)

  • 213. David Monath, 66, 4700 Glenarm Ave. (12/02)

  • 212. Antoine Ennis, 37, 1100 block of Whitlock Avenue (11/30)

  • 211. Ralph Taylor, 45, 100 W Cross St (shot 1993, d. 11/30/09)

  • 210. Alexander Murrell, 64, 2400 block of Edmondson Ave. (11/25)

  • 209. Glen H. Footman, 52, 600 block of N. Howard St. (11/09)

  • 208. Julius Sullivan, 36, 500 block of Gold St. (11/25)

  • 207. Larry Staton, 57, 1200 block of Winchester St. (Assaulted 12/29/02, d. 06/12/09)

  • 206. Curtis Mitchell, 28, 1400 block of Carswell St. (11/24)

  • 205. Angelo Dangerfield, 21, 2800 block of Spelman Road (11/25)

  • 204. Tavon Fortune, 23, 1200 N. Curley St. (11/19)

  • 203. Brandon Benjamin, 22, 3100 McElderry St. (11/20)

  • 202. Virginia McGhee, 34, 2140 N. Fulton Ave. (11/19)

  • 201. Lykeisha Freeman, 35, 900 block of East Eager St. (11/17)

  • 200. Carron Spruiel, 25, 2900 block of Garrison Blvd. (11/15)

  • 199. Antonio Smith, 18, 1900 block of E. Lanvale St (11/15)

  • Josue Zelaya, 18, 400 block of Glover St. (11/15)ruled justified

  • 198. Anthony Swann, 45, 800 block of Lemmon St. (11/14)

  • 197. Sammie McCullough Jr, 36, 1200 block of North Avenue at Druid Hill Avenue (11/13)

  • 196. Jose Chacon, 35, 5100 block of Arbutus Avenue (11/13)

  • 195. Martin Hawkins, 38, 3600 block of Gelston Drive (11/12)

  • 194. Michael McFadden, 51, 2000 block of W. Lanvale St. (11/12)

  • 193. Jason Madison Jr, 15, 2400 block of Llewelyn Ave. (11/10)

  • 192. Kenneth Jones, 46, 3000 Towanda Ave. (11/09)

  • 191. Charlie Williams, 25, First block of W. 20th St. (11/08)

  • 190. Johnnie Hawkins, 40, 100 block of S. Payson St. (11/07)

  • 189. Allen Johnson, 32, 2400 block of Pickering Drive (11/03)

  • 188. Joseph Taylor, 28, 1300 block of W. Fayette St. (10/03)

  • 187. Eric Cromwell, 20, 800 block of Washburn Ave. (10/29)

  • 186. Dennis Cornish, 30, 1500 block of Edmondson Ave. (10/30)

  • 185. Joshua McKinney, 24, 4800 block of E. Cold Spring Lane (10/30)

  • 184. Darren Green, 24, 1500 block of Montpelier St. (10/26)

  • 183. Constantine "Dino" Frank, 54, 1000 block of S. Lakewood Ave. (10/19)

  • 182. Hubert Benston, 38, 100 block of N. Central Ave. (10/20)

  • 181. Brock Tatum, 21, 1200 block of Hollins St. (10/18)

  • 180. Rashaud Coates, 31, 2000 Denison St. (10/15)

  • 179. Lewis White, 34, 2400 block of Baker St. (10/14)

  • 178. Ivan Wood, 28, 3900 block of Elmora Ave (10/14)

  • 177. Mark Johnson, 31, 3200 block of W. Lexington St. (10/13)

  • 176. Alonzo Key, 26, 700 block of North Kenwood Ave. (10/11)

  • 175. Damon Jackson, 37, 1927 Oakhill Ave (10/10)

  • 174. Dion Jones, 35, 3714 Springdale Ave. (10/11)

  • 173. Calvin Taylor, 39, 2600 block of Barclay St. (10/09)

  • 172. Elda Vazquez, 30, 537 Benninghaus Rd (10/02)

  • 171. Darius Anderson, 17, West Lafayette Ave. and North Payson St. (10/02)

  • 170. Antoine Rawlings, 28, 4000 block of Massachusetts Ave. (10/02)

  • 169. Ethel Henderson, 85, Poplar Grove St. (6/17)

  • 168. Jamal White, 26, 1800 block of Dover St. (9/27)

  • 167. Shantel Brown, 31, Sinclair Lane and North Chester St. (9/25)

  • 166. Kareem Guest, 29, 2440 Maisel Court (9/20)

  • 165. Eugene Chambers, 20, 1600 block of Cypress St. (9/19)

  • 164. Stanley Mooring, 50, 600 block of Ashburton St. (9/18)

  • 163. Gerard S. Thomas, 24, 3400 block Cliftmont Ave. (9/17)

  • 162. Jerome Blackmon, 30, 3200 Belair Rd. (9/11)

  • 161. Alvin Allston, 45, West Cold Spring and Resiterstown Rd. (9/13)

  • 160. Darrell Neal, 31, 500 block of Presstman St. (9/14)

  • 159. Michael Chase, 46, 1500 block of Hopewell Ct.(shot 1988, d 5/19/09)

  • 158. André Williams, 35, 100 block of West Cross St.(9/13)

  • 157. Israeli Mason, 18, 2000 block of McCulloh St.(9/13)

  • Suspicious Unidentified, 1225 W Pratt St (9/9)

  • 156. Trenton Marshall, 20, 2300 block of E Northern Parkway (9/11)

  • 155. Shelton Elliott, 43, block of 500 N Carey St. (9/9)

  • 154. Charles Mack, 47, 2700 Ashland Ave (9/8)

  • 153. Kenneth Burley Jr, 17, 500 block Radnor Ave. (9/10)

  • 152. Kevin Taylor, 29, 3100 block of Sumter Ave/4400 bl. Pimlico Rd. (9/4)

  • 151. David Hunt, 23, 1600 block of Filbert Street/ 1600 Elmtree Ave (9/5)

  • 150. Jamaal Holmes, 25, 1600 Presstman St (9/4)

  • 149. Larry Daniels, 32, 1900 N. Fulton St.(9/1)

  • 148. Chris Hester, 38, 3000 block of Presstman St.(8/25)

  • 147. Shawn Williams, 28, 3200 block of Lyndale Ave.(8/26)

  • 146. Michael White, 24, 598 Presstman St.(8/27)

  • 145. Erica Carr, 37, 1400 block of Kenhill Ave.(8/27)

  • 144. Nolan Evans, 40, Garrison Boulevard at Liberty Heights Ave (8/25)

  • 143. Marlon Ringgold, 31, Jefferson St. at Collington Ave (8/21)

  • 142. David Deans, 25, 4400 block of Belle Avenue (8/20)

  • 141. David Lumpkins, 21, 600 block of Yale Ave (8/21)

  • 140. Donte Gunter, 25, 100 block of S. Highland Ave (8/20)

  • Suspiciously dead male, 302 E. Lanvale St. Has not yet been ruled a homicide (8/13)

  • 139. Gregory Wilson, 20, N. Lakewood and E. Oliver (8/11)

  • 138. Thomas Medley, 32, 200 block of S. Herring Court (8/10)

  • 137. Charles Gregory Pratt, 18, 600 block of Cherry Hill Road (8/9)

  • 136. Stevie Ford Jr., 19, Perkins Homes (6/25)

  • 135. Steven Eldridge, 25, 2100 block of Edmondson Ave. (8/1)

  • 134. Cortez Smith, 18, 800 block of Allendale St. (8/2)

  • 133. Stanley Joines, 26, of the 1915 W. Lafayette Ave. (found 8/1)

  • 132. Marcella Lawson, 26, 2800 block of Edgecombe Circle North (8/1)

  • 131. David Reese, 18, 200 N. Paca (8/1)

  • 130. Lamont Woodard, 39, 500 block of E. Lynn Ave (7/31)

  • 129. Darvin Jones, 19, 200 N. Conkling St. (7/26)

  • 128. Gary Martin, 18, 200 N. Conkling St. (7/26)

  • 127. Shonte Ellis, 27, 4200 block of Erdman Avenue (7/25)

  • 126. Marcus Sanchez, 27, 5100 block of Foster Avenue (7/25)

  • 125. Antoine Davis, 33, 3605 Woodland Ave (7/23)

  • 124. Jerrod Reed, 16, Kenwood and Madison (7/19)

  • 123. Diandre Cherry, 25, 3400 block of Lake Montebello Drive (7/16)

  • 122. John Woodies, 38, 4000 block of Old York Road at Dumbarton Avenue (7/15)

  • 121. Josephine Lewatowski, 48, 511 S. Regester St. (7/14)

  • 120. Antwon Witherspoon, 28, Alameda & 30th (7/13)

  • 119. Curtis Shepherd, 36, Falkirk and Cedarcroft Roads (7/13)

  • 118. Julius Powell, 23, 2100 block of West Fairmount Avenue (shot 12/25/03, d. 7/3)

  • 117. Charles Armstead, 21, 2900 block of McElderry St. (7/9)

  • 116. Maurice McFadden, 18, 1700 block of Division St. (7/8)

  • 115. Arnold Foster Jr., 21, 3908 block of Fairfax Road (7/8)

  • 114. Gerrod Finch, 21, Wheeler St and Harlem Ave (7/1)

  • 113. Steven Frank Wilson, 24, 1600 block of E. Eager St (6/30)

  • 112. Tavon Walker, 28, 2100 block of Brighton Street (6/29)

  • 111. Antonio Montgomery, 36, 3400 block of Fairview Ave. (6/29)

  • Jermaine W. Womack, 32, 300 block of Charter Oak Avenue ruled justified(6/22)

  • 110. Robert Phelps, 48, 3000 block of Baker Street (6/27)

  • 109. James Johnson, 36, 3000 block of Baker Street (6/27)

  • 108. Candido C. Hernandez, 46, 2700 E. Fayette St. (6/19)

  • 107. Edward Davis, 39, 1800 St. Paul St. (6/24)

  • 106. Wanda Hackett, 51, 2200 Tucker Lane (6/23)

  • 105. Wesley Nelson, 29, 1800 block of N. Chapel St (6/21)

  • 104. Edward Patterson, 39, 2300 E. Oliver Street (6/19)

  • 103. Tyrone Phillips, 19, 600 block of Tunbridge Rd. (6/18)

  • 102. Tony Geiger, 41, 100 block Old Riverside Road (6/2)

  • 101. Pierre Alford, 24, 1902 Braddish Ave. (6/16)

  • 100. Lydia Steed, 31, 4003 Biddison Lane (6/10)

  • 99. Allisha Royster, 23, 4003 Biddison Lane (6/10)

  • 98. Darnell Johns, 21, 1730 N. Payson St. (6/10)

  • 97. Karl Snyder, 21, 2500 block of East Federal Street (6/8)

  • 96. Dana Richardson, 44, 900 block of Brooks Lane (6/7)

  • 95. Anthony Benitez, 21, 1400 block of Anglesea St. (6/3)

  • Suspicious death, unidentified, 2743 St Paul St.(6/1)Has not yet been ruled a homicide

  • 94. Joseph Woah-Tee, 60, 4300 block of York Road (5/31)

  • 93. Douglas Winston Jr., 35, 600 block of North Port Street (5/30)

  • 92. Ricardo Montgomery, 39, parking lot, 2800 Ailsa Ave (5/30)

  • 91. Milton Stepney, 32, Eutaw and Lombard streets (5/28)

  • 90. Curtis Brown, 32, 1100 block of W. North Ave. (5/27)

  • 89. David Parker, 25, 200 block of N. Collington Ave.
  • 88. Sean Howard, 24, 3100 block of Cliftmont Ave. (5/25)

  • 87. Hardy Jones, 26, 3300 block of Noble St (5/25)

  • 86. Quite Vanterpool, 41, near Clifton Park Pool (5/25)

  • 85. Keon Cameron, 18, 1800 block of East 28th St. (5/23)

  • 84. Chernere Wooten, 18, 300 block of North Carrollton Avenue (5/23)

  • 83. Lee Johnson, 28, shot Sept. 27, 2008, 1900 block of Frederick Ave. (5/22)

  • 82. Tavon Crawford, 26, shot April 12, 2005, 2700 block of Saint Lo Drive (d. 1/2009)

  • 81. Lucio Solarzano, 84, 7001 Reisterstown Rd. (5/16)

  • 80. Christopher Ricks, 32, 2000 block of Kennedy Avenue (5/9)

  • 79. Anthony Griffin, 23, 3200 block of Montebello Terrace (5/8)

  • 78. Deontae Carter, 24, 3000 block of Elgin Ave. (5/9)

  • 77. Anthony Eggers, 48, 600 block of Parkwyrth Ave. (5/5)

  • 76. Fabian Palmer, 24, 3300 block of Frederick Ave (5/3)

  • 75. William Jones, 26, 800 block of Milton Ave. (5/2)

  • 74. Frank Swiston, 48, 2800 block of Erdman Ave (4/25)

  • 73. Shawn Williams, 18, 2200 block of Christian Street (4/27)

  • 72. Maurice Toomer, 17, 3200 block of Normount Road (4/25)

  • 71. Jasmon Jiggetts, 28, 1600 block of E. Eager (4/22)

  • 70. Kenneth Johnson, 23, 5100 block of Hillburn Ave. (4/21)

  • 69. Melody Smith, 54, 700 block of Yale Ave (4/21)

  • 68. Qonta Waddell, 24, 3115 Windsor Ave. (4/21)

  • 67. Calvin Hayes, 75/78, 2100 block of North Wolfe Street (4/18)

  • 66. Ernesto Flores, 23, 16 N Clinton St (4/18)

  • 65. Erskine Evans III, 28, Gorman Avenue near MARC stop (4/15)

  • 64. Harold Able Sr., 63, 1800 block of Aiken Street (4/15)

  • 63. Russell Day, 30, 2100 block of Christian Street (4/13)

  • 62. Quinton Savage, 22, 2800 block of Winwood Court (4/11)

  • 61. Dominic Baker, 16, 1900 block of Wilkens Ave. (4/8)

  • Unidentified man, 1017 Hillen Road (4/7)Has not yet been ruled a homicide

  • 60. Curtis Pounds, 36, 4700 block of Homesdale Avenue (4/5)

  • 59. Dorothea Wright, 42, 500 S. Broadway and Gough St. (4/5)

  • 58. Timothy Hebron, 23, near Northwood Shopping Center (4/4)

  • 57. Zachary Thompson, 48 400 block of Watty Court (4/3)

  • 56. Darrell T. Lee, 19, 2900 block of Allendale Road (4/1)

  • 55. Dewayne M. Booker, 20, 2200 block of Sherwood Ave. [shot on Bonaparte Ave] (4/1)

  • 54. Marcus Nicholson, 20, 1700 block of McCulloh St. (3/30)

  • 53. David Williams, 20, 1500 block of West Fayette Street (3/31)

  • 52. Derrick K. Franklin, 28, 3800 block of Lyndale Ave. (3/31)

  • Questionable death, N. Abington Ave/Elbert St. (3/27)Has not yet been ruled a homicide
  • 51. Caneil/Kaneil Fullwood, 29, 700 block of W. North Avenue (3/26)

  • 50. Carlos Spence, 23, 5800 block of Edgepark Road (3/26)

  • 49. Kara Lawson, 23, 500 N. Ellwood Ave. (3/23)

  • 48. Davon Saunders, 26, near train tracks in the 600 block of W. Patapsco Ave. (3/22)
  • 47. Marty/Martie Williams Jr., 20, 2600 Maisel St. (3/21)

  • 46. William L. Smith, 24, 6500 block of Cleveland Ave. (3/17)

  • 45. Adrian Martise, 24, 2900 block of Greenmount Ave. (3/17)

  • 44. Anthony Bailey, 20, 2900 block of Greenmount Ave. (3/17)

  • 43. Keon Barnes, 35, 1900 block of Pulaski Street (3/14)

  • 42. Andrew Goodwin, 22, 400 block of Normandy Avenue (3/13)

  • 41. Roger Dennis, 24, 300 block of W. North Avenue (shot 1997, d. 8/08)

  • 40. Wayne Robinson, 22, 3300 block of E. Baltimore St. (3/8)

  • 39. Sctario Tia Edwards, 25, 800 Linden Ave (3/7)

  • 38. Herbert Carsten Jr., 17, 3700 block of E. Lombard St. (3/6)

  • 37. Nelson Gause, 29, 1500 block of Clipper Road (3/1)

  • 36. Frederick Jeffrey Archer, 68, 700 block of N. Arlington Ave. (2/26)

  • 35. Ramon Williams, 2500 block of Loyola Northway (2/22)

  • 34. José Escobar Peña, 32, 3500 block of Eastern Avenue (2/22)

  • 33. Hubert Dickerson, 32, 2500 block of W. Baltimore St. (2/21)

  • 32. Rodger Evans Jr., 24, 5600 block of Sagra Road (2/16)

  • 31. James Flannery, 23, 3900 block of S. Hanover St., (2/16)

  • 30. Michael Davis, 30, intersection of Erdman Avenue and East Federal Street (2/14)

  • 29. Daniel Lee Hoeck, 62, 6100 block of Glenoak Avenue (2/13)

  • 28. Eric Pendergrass, 26, Patapsco River (2/9)

  • 27. Tracy Kinchen, 34, 1700 block of E. 32nd Street (2/11)

  • 26. Faruq Barakaat, 20, 2100 block of Presbury Street (2/10)

  • 25. David Bryan Wright, 47, 1600 block of Gorsuch Ave. (4 p.m. 2/4)

  • 24. Lemuel Wallace, 37, 1500 block of North Franklintown Road (1:45 p.m. 2/4)

  • 23. Demetrius M. Saulsbury, 22, 1700 block of N. Washington St. (3 a.m. 2/4)

  • 22. Kendrick L. Daney, 38, 200 block of W. Dickman St (2/1)

  • 21. Theodore E. Moore, 44, North Pulaski Street and Edmondson Avenue (1/31)

  • 20. James McKoy, 46, 900 block of Poplar Grove St. (1/29)

  • 19. Dewayne Lawrence, 17, 4900 block of Aberdeen Ave. (1/28)

  • 18. Jasmine Harris, 23, 3000 block of Windsor Ave. (1/27)

  • 17. Stephen Mauk, 47, 200 block of N. Bond St. (1/26)

  • 16. Juan Johnson, 14, 4400 block of Pall Mall Road (1/25)

  • 15. Jaiwan Jones, 26, 1200 block of Bayard Street (1/16)

  • 14. Ronald Crosby, 56, 5400 block of Jamestowne Court (1/14)

  • Shawn Green, 17, Alameda and 32nd Street (1/11)- ruled justified

  • 13. Bryant Eldridge, 20, 3600 block of E. Lombard St. (1/9)

  • 12. Kipton A. Degree Jr., 23, 5000 block of Dickey Hill Road (1/8)

  • 11. Antron Betts, 35, North Bond and East Eager Sts. (1/7)

  • 10. David Falkinburg, 45, 2800 block of Clearview Ave. (1/6)

  • 9. Joshua Harris, 21, 3600 block of Reisterstown Road (1/5)
  • 8. Tian Zin Wang, 51, 800 block of Webb Court (d. 1/5)
  • 7. Andre Thorpe, 17, 800 block of N. Kenwood Ave. (s. 1/2)

  • 6. Lougene Williams III, 20, 4000 block of Chesmont Ave. (1/4)

  • 5. Mayresa Craft, 15, 5600 Loch Raven Boulevard (1/4)

  • 4. Trevane Ricks, 16, 5600 Loch Raven Boulevard (1/4)

  • 3. Glenn Cunnigham, 22, 1100 block of Orleans Street (2 a.m. 1/2)

  • 2. Marcel Mitchell, 20, 1100 block of Orleans Street (2 a.m. 1/2)

  • 1. Mario Williams, 31, 700 block of N. Luzerne Ave.
More on Clifford Jamar Williams, the soldier murdered here while on leave from Afghanistan.

Baltimore has reached "camera saturation"

: Greenmount Ave. victim identified as a Joseph Beatty, 38, who just got out of prison on a 20 year robbery sentence (10 yrs suspended)

Should the death of A. Robert Kauffman be considered a homicide?


Unidentified man shot in the street in the 3800 block of Oakford Avenue just before 9:30 p.m. last night