Monday, October 2, 2006

October 2: 'Happy' Yom Kippur

There was a double shooting on Castle street on the east side.

A fatal shooting at 6 a.m. on the 3800 block of Lyndale Ave. in the Northeast (<208). Update: a suspect was taken into custody after a standoff.

Two murders Saturday (<206-207). Jemel Carter, 18 was killed on Oswego Ave., (first reported by galt)
and Victor Council, 43, was shot on the 1400 block of Baltimore Street.
The man killed Friday (205) was ID'd as Lamont Brown.

A Baltimore County judge is due to sentence Matthew Horner today for trying to fake the suicide of his wife Lorraine. She lived and is expected to give a victim-impact statement.

Eighteen-year-old Loneil A. Smith was murdered in PCG Sunday morning.

A 16-year old boy was shot in the shoulder, and former president of the police union Frederick Roussey was hit by a truck while directing traffic downtown.

Terrence Gunnels was fatally shot near the Great Frederick fairgrounds.

Rockville police are questioning a delivery-truck driver in the dragging death of grandmother Ketty Alvarado, 69.

The penalty for being a drunk-driving teen just went up.

Former circulation manager fpr the PGC and MoCo "Sentinels" was convicted of stealing $288k.

One would think the prison system would be happy to let inmates atone any day.

Wow, Jill Carter has never been a shrinking violet! She rages against the Mayor's arrest practices in this undated feature. "The person that's the mayor of Baltimore shouldn't be the mayor or the governor. He has no interest in furthering the agenda of the people he represents or empowering anyone."

Washington Post: "the murder count ... remains a political liability" for O'Malley, reports the town went to hell after Norris left.
Mayor: "the downside [of setting the goal of 175 homicides] is far outweighed by the number of lives we saved."
Meanwhile, Team O'M says state and federal police and drug-treatment money dropped after 2002, team Ehrlich says it went up.

Five victims plus the gunman Charles Carl Roberts IV are dead after a hostage situation in a school in a small town in Lancaster County, Pa.

TX supreme court refused to legalize "obscene devices.".

Sunday, October 1, 2006

You're so Cheap!

The most trusted news souce of news a la BCrime readers is ...
the City Paper!!
Yes, the journal that features "Smut" on the cover this week, illustrated by a biblio-glory hole and an typographed male part.

Second-most relied on: WBAL, tied with the Examiner. In fourth, the Sun. In dead last, WMAR.
Okay, I'll bite, why do you hate the Sun so much? (no copping answers from

October 1

♥ the law? Check out the Supreme Court preview for this month.

This week, MedImmune battles Genentech [<-subscription required] for the rights to palivizumab, a bioengineered antibody, at The Supreme Court.

William C. Bond, author of "Self-portrait of a Patricide: How I Got Away with Murder," won a case against the Bank of America for improperly releasing financial records to his wife's ex in a custody case [<-subscription required].

Godson M. NnakaGodson M. Nnaka (right), a Baltimore lawyer who happens to be running for President of Nigeria, had sex-offense charges dropped against him[<- subscription required] by the Baltimore City state's attorney's office.
Say charging documents, a 16-year-old girl came to Nnaka's office with two friends, wanting to hire him to represent her boyfriend in a criminal case. The girl said she let Nnaka grope her in exchange for his promise to reduce his fee. One of the friends picked up a pair of scissors to defend herself(?) ; Nnaka then escorted them from his office, the girls then flagged down a police car and made a report.

A man shot in the 1400 block of W. Baltimore St. is in critical condition at shock trauma.

Best PIO o'Balto Sviatko: Smoot guards attended a "party where apparently everybody got their stories straight."

There's only one time sports will be mentioned here, and that's when the over-esteemed, overpaid jockstaps break the law! Yes, sounds like three O's shot steroids like Mexican dairy cows. Tsk, tsk.

hookerHoCo cops party with hookers, display porn, taxpayers fork out $75g.

Greedy, consorting cops pulled burning-car scheme to buy an Asscalade in Frederick.

Would be nice but isn't exactly true: Ehrlich sent out mailer alleging FBI probe of O'Malley's management of the BPD. Other election news:Yawn.

Media notes: the Sun's line appears to be to not cover too much crime because it's hard to sell ads next to depressing stories.
OR ... is the crime writing just boring?
The NYPost gets the tone right and embraces the drama and still manages to sell ads (next) to death. Or maybe it's that the NYP has more interesting stories to cover.

Saturday, September 30, 2006

September 30

A man was shot dead at Park Heights & Quantico (at least 205).

.. speaking of Park Heights, when I was on Ed Norris the other day a guy called in to say that there had been a string of murders in Park Heights, "at least five or six" people duct-taped in their houses with their throats cut, but no one is reporting it. The freaky thing? It could well be true. But without the ME's office to say either way, the rumor can't be confirmed-- or denied. I also heard from a narcotics detective that there's "a war" going on in the NW that's taking the efforts of all six (!!!) City narcs. If I was a journalist I'd get up there and chase that story ... (TG I'm a blogger!)

A string of related burglaries in Timonuim and Sparks.

Jessup is being downgraded to a minimum-security prison, and prisoners from Supermax are supposted to go somewhere called North Branch.
Friday, former officer Candice Harlee testified about the pandemonium at Central Booking on the night Raymond Smoot died.

Perv: Andre C. King, PCG.

Friday, September 29, 2006

September 29 afternoon

Today Judge David Ross denied a defense motion to transfer David James Marshall, 14, to juvenile court (!!!). He will remain charged as an adult in Baltimore City Circuit Court. Marshall is scheduled for trial October 30, 2006. The Baltimore City Grand Jury indicted Marshall May 5, 2006 for first-degree murder, two counts of robbery deadly weapon and four counts of kidnapping. Court documents allege that on April 20 at 1404 Kuper Street, Marshall and a co-defendant broke into the house, announced a robbery, and shot and killed an occupant of the home, Robert Atkinson, 47. Marshall remains held without bail in the Baltimore City Detention Center.

A Columbia man killed himself in the Howard County Detention Center.

Graphic testimony about an MS-13 gang rape.

Six arms-smuggling Tamil Tigers are being flown from Guam to MD to face trial.

One more day left to get rid of your dingo.

Letter from Martin deems Ehrlich 'Foghorn Leghorn,' advises sand-pounding

The gloves are off!!
We wondered when M to the O was going to say something about crime, and suddenly this article is out, and just we got this in the inbox:

Down In Polls, Ehrlich Caught In Lie About Police
Bob Ehrlich has a truth problem - he has a problem telling the truth, and the truth is a problem for his campaign.

You may have seen or heard Bob Ehrlich strutting around like Foghorn Leghornfoghorn recently on television and radio, claiming that he wanted to send the Maryland State Police to Baltimore to fight crime, but Martin O'Malley told him to "pound sand."

Turns out, once again, the Governor is lying.

As today's Baltimore Examiner reports: "Documents obtained by The Examiner indicate it was Maryland State Police who failed to provide Baltimore City with the assistance they offered in 2003."

Ehrlich's newest fabrication comes on the heels of the 18th straight independent, public poll that shows him trailing Martin O'Malley.

Today's Sun reports that with less than 40 days left, "Ehrlich's campaign is getting increasingly more negative because he trails in the polls."

Earlier this week, Ehrlich launched another attack ad, this time attacking the integrity of Baltimore's police officers.

The Fraternal Order of Police Lodge 3 - which endorsed Ehrlich in 2002 - says the ad leaves them "disgusted." And they will not be supporting Ehrlich this time, because he has turned the brave men and women of the Baltimore Police Department into "political punching bags."

Police Commissioner Leonard Hamm calls Ehrlich's attack ad "absolutely false."

...The truth is that law enforcement and neighbors have come together and now crime is down in Baltimore:
The City increased investment in the police department by 47% and placed a system of hundreds of security cameras in troubled neighborhoods to give police more tools in making streets safer. [Baltimore City Police Department]
The Police and Neighbors reduced violent crime in Baltimore by 40%.[Federal Bureau of Investigation, "2004 Uniform Crime Report," Crime in the United States by Metropolitan Statistical Area; Baltimore City Police Department, "UCR Crime Total"]
The officers of the Baltimore Police Department helped reduce homicides by 18%. [Baltimore City Police Department, "UCR Crime Total"]

According to Commissioner Hamm, "We have the greatest crime decrease in the state of Maryland, and we did it without state help."

And that's the truth. Here's Bob Ehrlich's real failed record on crime - which makes clear why he is launching his shameful attack on Baltimore's Police Officers.

  • He cut State funding to the Baltimore Police Department by 42% from $11.3 million in FY 2002 to $6.6 million in FY 2006.

  • He cut State drug treatment funding in Baltimore by $3 million - from $52.2 million in FY 2003 to $49.2 million in FY 2005.
  • He broke his promise to reform Juvenile Services - and instead, it has gotten worse, with children sleeping in bathrooms near toilets and riots caused by understaffing, according to Maryland's Independent Juvenile Justice Monitor.
  • He broke his promise to implement Project Exile - which calls for all eligible gun crimes to be prosecuted in federal court. Federal gun prosecutions went down sharply under his handpicked U.S. Attorney, and he never delivered on his promised public/private advertising and outreach campaign.
  • He broke his promise to end parole for violent criminals - and in fact, parole of criminals has increased on his watch.
  • He has flat funded the State gun prosecutors grant to the Baltimore State's Attorney's Office (SAO) at the same $1.7 million that his predecessor began in 2001 - failing to account for inflation. The city has increased it's funding for the SAO by 50% since Mayor O'Malley took office (from $16.6 million in FY 2000 to $24.9 million in FY 2007).
  • His much-hyped "Hype vs. Reality" campaign, launched at a press conference with Carmelo Anthony in May 2005 produced, literally, nothing.
  • And under his watch, prisons are out of control, with corrections officers being murdered and nearly 20 times more violent incidents involving weapons than the larger Pennsylvania prison system - 257 compared to 15 for the first six months of 2006.
We understand that Bob Ehrlich is down in the polls and has a horrendous record of failure. But, that doesn't justify lying to the people of Maryland, and it certainly doesn't justify attacking the brave men and women of the police force who put their lives on the line every day to protect our communities.
... Bob Ehrlich: Can't Be Trusted to Fight Crime; Can't Be Trusted to Fight for Maryland Families

MEOW! He's taking it to the street!
UPDATE: The mayor and the gov. have agreed to have two debates before mid-October.

Op Ed by Galt

Mayor needs to point that finger at himself.

Have you seen the lame response of the Mayor's office to the position of the Governor's office that it offered policing assistance which was rebuffed by Baltimore's executive?

link here to my OpEd Letter in GaltSpace.

I'm including in the comments section a discussion of the legal basis for Mr. O'Malley's false arrest policies, because of its length.

September 29

Sultan Z. Mathhews, 19, was shot to death during an arguement in his home on N. Bentalou Street in the Western. (204)

A man was stabbed on his front porch in Lake Montibello, #203..

That's no lady, that's Dee Deirdre Farmer, looking less than fabulous.

Death of port supervisor Robert L. Benway has been ruled accidental.

JZ has video of an armed robber shooting at the head of a cashier at a Brooklyn park Crown station.

Towson U. Jew to sue.
(I must say it's rude that some public schools are closed today for "professional development," but not Monday for Yom Kippur)

Examiner: State police offered assistance in the city, and the city agreed-- but the troopers never showed. Now fingers are being pointed from either side.

A state-run home for the mentally challenged was cited for "horrific" violations.

Hamm disputes new Ehrlich/Billy Murphy Jr. ad.

Thursday, September 28, 2006

Letter from Jill

del. jill carter md d41stDel. Jill Carter is my new favorite politician! She totally called me out on being sexist and shallow and then let loose on the mayor! I don't even know what district I'm in (Mary Pat Clarke is involved somehow?), much less what Jill's job is, but I do now know where she gets her hair done! Read on ... (and Jill I'll take it down if you want me to... but I assume you knew who you were writing to!)
Dear ...

Recently, I have scanned your blog and I think it has a lot of value ... I can't dictate to you or anyone what you choose to think or convey to others about me. But, I would like to set the record straight on some of the things I've read.

1. I was not the "girlfriend" of Robert Clay. But, I revered and respected him a great deal. I learned a lot from him about minority business, politics, and life. His death is an immeasurable loss to me, personally, and to the community at large. My life is better because I knew him. Out of respect for him and his family, in particular, I would like to quash that rumor. What difference would it make even if true?

2. I think "fake" is the last word anyone who knows me would use to describe me. I, often struggle politically, and otherwise, because of my penchant for truth. It is what it is.

However, I think your refernces to "everything" about me being "fake" refer more to the physical, than the mental or spiritual. Micro-peels, a number of years ago is as far as I've gone cosmetically (to date). But, I have always said I would be amenable to cosmetic surgery as I age if I feel I need it, and can afford it -- a big If. I want work done on my teeth, but I can't afford veneers. Years ago, in 1992, I had my eyebrows tattooed. I have felt it was one of the best things I've ever done. Having naturally thin eyebrows, I used to put on eyebrow pencil all the time. When I was in a hurry, it was a real pain. With the tattoo, I am get-up-and go with no maintenance. Say what you will, but I prefer it to super thin brows or daily make-up.

On hair, I have natural (unprocessed, uncolored) thick, medium-length hair. I have been going to Salon Mechelle since age 18. Wynnonna Fountain, 410-367-3122, proprietor and friend, got my hair healthy and spared me from a life of permanent hair straigtening and salons that did not know how to deal with my thick, kinky-curly, Black hair.

I've sported numerous looks and hairstyles over the years. I used to experiment a lot with weaves. My hair is a lot to deal with and I am extremely busy. So, I usually pull it back if I don't have ample time to style it otherwise. I have discovered wigs to get me through bad hair days or for a quick style change. Only my aesthetician knows for sure. I am certain you have seen both. But, I'll never tell. ...

I immediately realized what a jerk I had been and wrote
Ms Carter,
You are totally right that talking about your hair or any other superficial part of you is totally sexist and takes away from your message. It's tough enough for women in any business without things being taken to that level ... On the other hand, my hair is thin and my eyebrows are a disaster, and I feel like women should be able to do their jobs without having to worry about looking perfect all of the time but then again I'm not a politician.
I would like to know more about the substance of your work. I consider myself pretty involved but I have no idea who my delegate is. It's very difficult as a voter to know what the issues are.
And then Jill said ...
... It is not surprising that you don't know much about my positions. My experience with the mainstream media for the past four years, which is how long I've been a delegate, has been horrendous. Because of my refusal to comply with the will of "leadership" when I believe it is wrong, and my audacity to propose new ideas that challenge and threaten the status quo, I've been essentially blackballed. The Sun has attempted to erase me. The City Paper is not much better. Reporters from the Sun often take orders of who, what, and how to cover issues, straight from the mayor's office.

The mayor is possibly the biggest megalomaniac I've ever encountered. City politicians and state democrats put more effort into serving him than their own constituents. The media, for the most part, gives them all a free pass. So, the public is perpetually in the dark and chronically confused ... We know the mayor lies. We know that there are close to 2500 homicides under his tyrannical leadership. We know there are likely close to 250,000 unwarranted (illegal, uncharged, false & minor crimes) arrests. Former commissioners, police officers, FOP head, judges, a grand jury, investigative reporters, politicians (me), citizens, ACLU, NAACP, etc., have uncovered the truth that his policing policies have failed miserably, crime is not down, and non-criminals are being unnecessarily criminalized while criminal are not being pursued. All the while, the mayor avoids, evades, and lies.....and the people of Baltimore have not collectively demanded his removal from office, and many actually support him for governor. It's beyond sad.
This is why we love local politics-- huge personalities who are willing to take it to the mat!
Jill Carter is real like the Velveteen rabbit!
Where's her district again?

Quick Stats

From the State's Attorney's office: 45,947 cases have been brought so far in '06 (that means about 7 percent of the city's population has been arrested so far this year! ... or 459 people were arrested 100 times). Of these, 11,103 cases the state declined to prosecute (24 percent).

September 28

A juvenile transfer hearing for David James Marshall, 14, is scheduled for 9:30 tomorrow morning before Judge David Ross. The Baltimore City Grand Jury indicted Marshall May 5 for first-degree murder, two counts of robbery deadly weapon and four counts of kidnapping. Court documents allege that on April 20 at 1404 Kuper Street, Marshall and a co-defendant broke into the house, announced a robbery, and shot and killed an occupant of the home, Robert Atkinson, 47. Marshall remains held without bail in the Baltimore City Detention Center.

What the?! Neighbors thought Janice Letmate, 67, died of a heart attack, but "an autopsy found" she'd been shot in the head (#@202-215).

Former prison officer Jamile Boles saw Smoot stomping, points passionately at prison guards.

Asians Challenging Stereotypes Dept.
Mom testified against Jason Chen, 21, who admitted he stabbed dad to death. (and Tyrese E. Simmons was found dead in Hyattsville.)

Death of a Glen Burnie dentist Albert Woonho Ro is being considered homicide.

eugene kongPolice have arrested a Towson math tutor, Eugene Kong (left), for sexually abusing an 8-year-old boy.

Family of Bernadette Caruso, murdered 20 years ago (probably by her ex-husband) want justice.

February of '04 I wrote: "Horrifyingly depressing story of the week: A transgendered inmate, Dee Harmer, whose rape behind bars led to a new liability standard for prison officials is now blind and bedridden and has been sent home to die of AIDS." This week, Deirdre Harmer/Dee Farmer has been charged with faking his own death.

Rodricks: drug addiction is the root of 80 percent of crime and treatment works. Why don't we use it?

A new Ehrlich ad attacks the BPD arrest practices.

Little Italy residents: shut-a the fuck up-a, Velleggia's!

Cook them chops through: One hundred quarintined pigs have disappeared from a Carroll Co farm.

Media news: Dan Ostrovsky has left the Daily Record and is going to Miami. Do svidanya, Danielsinka!

Wednesday, September 27, 2006

September 27

DEA: Maryland is the third-most violent state in the union, and Baltimore just might be the most smacked-out city in the world. So why did the DEA seize only 43 pounds of heroin last year (as opposed to 500 pounds of cocaine and mary j.?) is it just me or is 19.5 kg. not very much?

One hundred words about #200.

Cliques and amnesia in the Smoot case.

More on Saturday's triple shooting on Kennedy Avenue (between Loch Raven, Harford, the Alameda and 25th Street).

State report: 8 percent increase in assaults against police officers in '04- '05.

A man was carjacked in AAC Saturday and forced to drive to Cherry Hill, where he was robbed.

Pervert roundup: Donald Fox, 60, of Frederick; Phillip R. Wilson, 20, of Finksburg; Kenny Ray Morrison, of College Park and Kingwood, TX; Ronald Allen Meroney of Baltimore County and Memphis, TN; the boy in the elevator, the guy on the lawn in Silver Spring; a teenager on the football field and a Latino at the fairgrounds, MoCo.

Del. Jill Carter has new ambitions, and you'll never hear me again mention the weave. Which looks great.

Tuesday, September 26, 2006

September 26

A man was shot to death (@201) on the 500 block of Parkin Street.

A man was shot (but is still alive) on Park Heights Ave.

prezCounty police are looking for a man with the nickname of "Prez" (left) who raped a 14-year-old girl in Rogers Forge.

In AAC 20-year-old Christopher Haarhoff was arrested for murdering his mother's boyfriend, Anthony Fertitta, whose burned body was found in Millersville. His mother was charged as an accessory for attempting to bleach out the bloodstains and his brother Christopher is also charged.

The contempt of court trial of James Murphy was nol pros'd today at the request of the State, which was informed before trial this morning that Murphy died May 22, 2006 while in the custody of DOC while serving a 30-year prison term.

At a hearing today, Judge Althea Handy sentenced Irvin Merritt, 47, of the 900 block of Bonaparte Avenue, to 45 years in prison. Merritt pled guilty August 10 to first-degree murder, to two counts of attempted robbery and one count of robbery. Judge Handy sentenced him to 15 years in prison for each of those counts and ordered that those prison terms run concurrent to the life term. On February 16, 2006 Merritt stabbed to death Frederica Moseley, 46, in the 200 block of North Bond Street. Merritt had a long history of domestic violence against Ms. Moseley.

Jason Yereance, 42, of Walpole, Maine pled guilty to fourth-degree breaking and entering Friday for his visit to O'Malley campaign HQ. A visiting judge, Gordon Boone, entered a probation before judgment. The State entered a Nol Pross for the felony burglary charges as there was insufficient evidence to proceed. The matter was originally scheduled for tomorrow but was moved up as Judge Kiki O'Malley was scheduled to preside, a conflict of interest.

Trend alert: the hot new thing in drugs is strawberry-flavored cocaine, which the kids are calling "strawberry NesQuik." Now you know.

Two people were stabbed last night outside of Howard's Pub in Dundalk.

Did the gov. push through development legislation as a favor to a political donor?

The Kemp family has filed a lawsuit against the Southeast Special Enforcement Team.
Scary: the city paid out $8.5 million in judgements in '04 and '05.

A man was stabbed at the Jessup Brockbridge Correctional Facility.

"They are trying to crash our party and we need to beat the [expletive] out of them in front of all the would-be party crashers who are standing on the front lawn waiting to see how we welcome these dirtbags."
At least he hyphenated the compound modifier ... no wonder no one qualified wants anything to do with the Baltimore City School Board...

Oh wait, the Westiminister baby-dragging teen was charged, and she also had a set of brass knuckles. Yike.

In MoCo and old woman was dragged for more than a mile by a truck.

While his wife tickled the ivories, David Barry Mentzer of Joppa tickled some poor boy where his bathing suit covers.

September 26, morning

Quota? What quota ???

The Examiner interviews Police union president Blair regarding the loss of senior police staff because of unwritten arrest quotas.

Click here to see a comparison for all counties of Maryland between monthly bookings and monthly released without charge for that county's jails.


Notoriously violating people's civil rights does not constitute aggressive policing... it's just bad policing and discourages citizen cooperation. This city now has 3,241 officers, according to the public affairs office. I question the quality of that number (the Fraternal Order of Police, Lodge 3 lists 4,900 voting members, whatever that means.) . We need a lot more and it's just not gonna work if officers are uncomfortable with the routine practices of this administration. Guys, it's time to ditch your Police Commissioner, who has already testified that there are no quotas, so it seems to me he next needs to be indicted for perjury. Either way, he's gotta go. Furthermore, how could anyone possibly consider voting for the Mayor who spearheads the arbitrary curtailment of civil rights?

In other news:

A man was shot in Armistead Gardens this morning and rushed to shock trauma.

Regarding the Saturday night shooting of a 19 year-old male, a 79 year-old male, and an 11 year-old girl at the 2000 block, Kennedy Ave., police report no arrests and the spokesperson, Nicole Monroe, has reverted to form, drawing attention to the fact that the 19 year-old primary victim had a history of drug, assault, and weapons charges. I'm sure that's a great relief to the two injured bystanders. If he's not a very good guy, then why is he still on the streets, huh? And why would that make anyone feel safer?

Monday, September 25, 2006

... More September 25

bankrobberPolice are seeking a prolific robber, left, who's held up banks inside of grocery stores in at least five counties in MD and VA.

Blockbuster® and Metro Crime Stoppers are offering a $20,000 reward to help find the killers of Antonio Gilmore.

What is up with the green minivans this week? Murder victim Roxanne Amick's green minivan was found at a shopping mall. Then two Israeli guys were questioned after taking pictures of the harbor tunnel while driving in one. Now police are looking for a green Chevy minivan that hit and killed a 22-year-old woman in the Southwest.

The Baltimore City Grand Jury indicted Eric Hicks, 21, of W. Franklin Street and Nicholas Floyd, 23, of McCullough Street for first-degree murder and other counts. Court documents allege that on April 11 an unknown female was found in a vacant building in the 2600 block of St. Benedict Street suffering from multiple stab wounds. The victim was pronounced dead at the scene and was later identified as Kimberly Skyers, 33. Police identified the two suspects through witnesses.

A sentencing hearing is scheduled for 9:30 tomorrow morning before Judge Althea Handy for Irvin Merritt, 47, of Bonaparte Avenue. Merritt pled guilty August 10 to first-degree murder and other charges. On February 16, 2006 Merritt stabbed Frederica Moseley, 46, to death in the 200 block of North Bond Street. Merritt had a long history of domestic violence against Ms. Moseley.

The contempt of court trial of James Earl Murphy, 30, of Manchester Rd., is scheduled for 9:30 tomorrow morning before Judge Martin P. Welch. The Baltimore City Grand jury indicted Murphy March 22 for contempt of court for his refusal to testify in a murder trial. Murphy and Martin Morgan, 18, were indicted for the murder of Wade Walker on March 12, 2004. In January 2005, Murphy pled guilty to second-degree murder and Judge David Mitchell sentenced him to a 30-year prison term. On February 3 Murphy refused to testify in Morgan's trial and was held in Direct Contempt of Court by Judge Shirley Watts. Nevertheless, the jury convicted Morgan of first-degree murder and Judge Watts sentenced him to life in prison.

No one less than Taylor Branch sets straight the facts alleged on the Steele "Do the walk!" ad. Summary: both Republicans and Democrats have acted crapulently in their own special way.

September 25, afternoon

Another West Baltimore murder

A man was shot in the head this morning at the intersection of Mount Royal Ave. and Whitelock St. Police have not released an identity and are investigating. Izzat 200 this year already??

It seems our sister city Detroit also keeps secrets in its Medical Examiner's office. Motown's corpse-bagger was dressed down for speaking in a New York Times article and was then suspended by the City of Detroit.

You're so Cultured!

BCrime readers are responsible for 365 museum visits. The Aquarium was most popular, even with the exorbitant price of admissions. The BMA and Walters are also popular. Amazingly, someone visited every museum mentioned-- even the very obscure Irish Shrine and Railroad Workers Museum, Maryland Center for Military History and the Historical Electronics Museum. Please share what you learned with the class.

September 25

Cory Harrison, 27, was shot to death on Robb Street in East Baltimore (199).

A Cherry Hill woman awoke in her home Saturday to find a man cutting her throat with a knife.

Three people were shot in the Eastern.

Just when you think the BPD document-shredding scandal couldn't make the department look any worse, three employees say they were paid overtime to do the shredding!

Rod J. Rosenstein says that prosecutors will reveal the complex structure of the MS-13 gang in this week's racketeering trial.

A profile of the Reverend Willie Ray, eulogist to casualties of the drug war.

Lots of stolen vehicles in the Northern last week.

Arundel Mills Mall was evacuated Saturday after some gals left luggage under a bench.

Sunday, September 24, 2006

Saturday, September 23, 2006

September 23

Nevolia-DuvallPolice need help finding 81-year-old Nevolia Duvall, left. She has Alzheimer's and apparently went missing from a Brooklyn bus stop. She was last seen in a black hat, green raincoat and black tennis shoes.

The suspected killer of two men is a 15-year-old Zachary James, who seemingly has no parents.

Witness to a horrible botched execution in Ohio testified for the Evans appeal.

There's a new head of the Baltimore FBI office named Bill Chase. Good luck, guy.

So stupid it must be true: An Examiner editorial claims that though city residents pay $4.2 million a year to rescue their towed cars, the city actually loses money on the deal.

Robbery and theft and the jacking of a '95 Chevy Malibu, tags SAJ T16, in the Blotter.

Why was an Israeli man taking pictures of the Harbor tunnel?

The U of M College Park has the third-highest number of violent crimes in 2005.

No crimal charges will be filed against the teen mom whose car dragged a toddler down the street in Westminster.

Vigil in Better Waverly for Antonio Gilmore

About 75 people from the victim's family and church as well as Waverly area residents and merchants gathered outside the Waverly Blockbuster at 8:30 p.m. Friday night to mark his passing and to consider how best to stem the rising tide of violence in the other Baltimore. The one without the luxury condos, espresso bars, and omnipresent police. The one full of people who don't know whether they're more afraid of sudden, senseless gang violence or sudden, senseless false arrests. Some plan to enlist a coalition of area churches in the quest for law & order in these neighborhoods. Baltimore churches have a habit of being coopted by the administration. Something about grants. As the sorrow fades, we'll have to see if the anger doesn't.

Friday, September 22, 2006

September 22

Not a crime, but should be: Sections of Guilford Avenue, Calvert Street and St. Paul Street will be closed tomorrow to film "Live Free or Die Harder."

What the?! Did Mike Miller, president of the MD Senate, punch a man in the jaw?

Eric "Ericky C" Tate was arrested for shooting Anthony Taylor Jr., 20, and Adrian Holiday, 19, (196 & 197*) last Sunday on Lanvale Street. Police say Taylor was a member of the local Bloods and the shooting was related to a territorial dispute.

*Anne Linskey's number is right in the middle of my estimate, so let's just assume she's done her homework and go with what she says for the sake of simplicity for the time being, shall we?

William Deshields was arrested for shooting Angelo Stringfellow in 2001.

So stupid it's almost believable (almost): the Examiner reports that Baltimore City police officers shredded confidential files that were protected by a court order because the department ran out of folders.

A corrections officer testified yesterday that he saw a co-worker stomp on Raymond Smoot. Meanwhile, JZ (I think it was) reported last night that Smoot was a jailhouse informant who took advantage of his position to get extra food and make phone calls.

Death squad: we're not really sure what the three-drug cocktail does.

Mary Ann Saar: rehabilitation programs make prisons safer.

In Lanham, Christopher Kargbo pled guilty to manslaughter for his part in robbing and killing Dr. Thomas Gay in the driveway of his Mitchellville home.

Sun coverage of the Espinoza/Canela sentencing. Canela: "I didn't do any of this ... I, too, had dreams, and they've been taken away from me. I loved my cousins very much and everybody in my family. I would have given my life for them."

Rodricks: It's hard to feel diminished by the deaths of strangers.

Uh oh. A MD woman has died from spinach-related e. coli poisioning.

Thursday, September 21, 2006

September 21

A 26 year-old man was found murdered behind an elementary school on Gold Street in West Baltimore. Anne Linskey says this is the 198th murder this year, the same number as this time last year. That count doesn't agree with either of the numbers in the Ink, from the SA's office or counted here ... where do you think they're from?

Policarpio Espinoza and Adan Canela got two life sentences each.

Northern District Commander: McAbier can move home safely if she wants to.

Horrible: the tale of Howard County domestic violence victim Samira Salmassi.

Police are targeting underage drinking with a vengeance. Speaking of Power Plant Live, the City Paper's Best of Baltimore Party is tonight at the Ram's Head from 6:30-9:30, with free foods and drinks. I just know because someone told me, though-- for the second year in a row we didn't get invited.

Do the walk! You know it girl!
In the Senate race, the "race thing" drags on. Now the National Black Republican Association has aired a pro-Steele radio ad that Steele calls "insulting."

Op-Ed by Galt

"It's just the reality of living." - Martin O'Malley, on the City's failure to provide a reasonable level of ongoing safety for the community of firebombed association president Edna McAbier of Harwood.

You cold, cold motherf#@ker, you. See the Sun article. It's pretty darn clear that they want more frickin' police! The Northern District commander responds to the challenge of higher murders in the area by noting that reported assaults are down. Yeah, reported everything is down, because the people who report get firebombed and told "it's just the reality of living." Well, reality bites. And so does this administration. Vote Ehrlich, vote Dukakis, vote FDR for all I care, but jeez don't vote this moron into higher office.

John Galt

in the news:

And for those who didn't catch Jayne Miller's piece on phony crime reduction statistics, it's here at WBAL news. I believe the administration has sent out some sort of defense of its figures.

Also, the reward for information leading to the arrest of the murderer of Antonio Gilmore of the Blockbuster in Better Waverly has been increased.

This one's got nothing to do with Baltimore, but it captures the mindset of our worst hoodlums and, it would appear, our Mayor as well. "Get over it."

Bloods and Gorillas battle it out in South Charles Village in the Sun article, but don't let that stop you from living here.

In Baltimore, government against the people steals cars, violates civil rights, and shreds the evidence.

Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Sept 20 Evening

A new Baltimorean Blogger named Hoodlum challenges conventional wisdom with footnotes in the entry "American Police: Overpaid for Easy Work."

In Howard County, a woman who survived an encounter with serial killer Charles Burns spoke to WJZ. Two more women's bodies have been found near Aberdeen.

WJZ repeats the husband-as-suspect story in the death of Roxanne Amick. County Police want to hear from anyone who may have noticed her green minivan at the Perry Hall shopping center between 2 and 3 p.m. last Wednesday.

The whole Vernon Evans thing is just gross and sad. Why don't we have a firing squad?

Former Baltimore County officer James Blankenship Jr. got 18 months for sexual abuse of a minor.

grandpaSchaefer's not shutting up in his final days: he blames Ehrlich for voting debacle: "responsibility is with the head, and not somebody else, saying you didn't do this and you didn't do that. Plenty of time, plenty of money, it just wasn't done." Meanwhile, the city's top election official Gene Raynor has declared himself a "deficient" and walked off the job.

International editon:
Ha! Venezuelan president Hugo Chávez called Bush "the devil," claims he left stink-cloud of evil at the UN.

Hungarians: Economics are a Riot!

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

September 20

The Baltimore City Grand Jury indicted Zachary James, 15, of Towanda Avenue for first-degree murder. Court documents allege on September 4 Michael Freeman suffered a fatal gunshot wound in the 3400 block of Park Heights Avenue, then succumbed to his injuries at Sinai Hospital.

A family describes a terrifying ordeal with the rouge cops of the Eastern, who, they say, stole $28,000.

biometricsThe Maryland Department of Public Safety and Correctional Services has awarded a $4 million-plus contract to Cogent Systems of California to digitalize and archive five million fingerprint, palmprint, and latent hard copy records. The state will then (one hopes) have a system set up that can digitize inked fingerprint and palmprint cards and mug shots. The system will also be compatable with the company's Bluetooth-enabled mobile fingerprint capture device. The future is now.

Jury selection began yesterday in the trial of corrections officers Dameon Woods, Nathan Colbert and James Hatcher, accused of beating Raymond Smoot to death at Central Booking.
Update: the jury es muy blanco.

You know you're a bad doctor when ... :
an expert testified yesterday in the Vernon Evans Jr. appeal that the MD death squad is "not qualified" to kill people.

Stephen Janis tolerates a City Council meeting so you don't have to.
Re. the Clay case: "No one's in a hurry to discuss public safety until everyone is safely elected."
king diddy,
Diddy: Standing on the corner at 45 "ain't a hot look."

Former Baltimore Police Officer Daniel J. Shanahan has written a book "for all the excellent Law Enforcement officers who shortened their careers by crossing the thin blue line and venturing into the wrong territory; sometimes into criminal territory. Therefore permanently tarnishing their badge, reputation, family, and all the good that badge stands for. This book is for the police officers that could not find their way back, wanted to make a difference, and unfortunately, could have."

Cardin's pesky blogger has been ID'd as one Ursula Gruber; turns out she has something to say about the illegal use of Wal-Mart employee discount cards as well.

In the Baltimore City Circuit Court Richard Cort began a class-action suit, suing CareFirst for prematurely charging higher rates to older people.

bob2006Congrats to Liz and Public Information Officer Joe Sviatko on the City Paper BOB awards. (But what's up with the CP inventing "Best" categories that are really 'Worsts"?)
Anyway, thanks to everyone who voted for this site! Two years of BOBs (and of not being invited to the party, WTF?)

White County People Dept.
First thought: "why is there this long story about this murder? Oh I see, it's about white county people."
Second thought: Is it responsible journalism to publish a story that someone is being questioned about a murder ... but not mention until halfway down the page that he's not a suspect?

John Coles pled guilty yesterday to the murder of ex-girlfriend Alice Tremper. He got 30 years for stabbing her to death in front of her 8-year-old-daughter.

Former Department of Homeland Security press aide Brian J. Doyle, 56, pleaded no contest yesterday to charges that he had a "relationship" with an undercover sheriff's detective posing as a teenage girl.

In Bel Air, a man in (what appears to be) a Bill Clinton mask tried to abduct a teenage snowball-stand worker.

False claims of violent crime reduction ??

I just saw a really good piece of investigative journalism from WBAL's Jayne Miller. Remember, in response to concerns about overstatinbg the decrease in violent crime in Baltimore, the O'Malley administration cited lower trauma case counts at Baltimore's trauma centers to justify its claims of 40% reduction.

In fact, as Jayne reveals in an interview with weaselface Health Commissioner Joshua Scharfstein, those numbers only included incidents admitted at Johns Hopkins Hospital and Univ. Maryland Trauma, which are the two largest trauma centers.

They fail to include any data from Johns Hopkins-Bayview or Sinai Trauma, which as it happens is the one institution whose trauma admissions actually increased during the period under consideration.(O'Malley's term of office).

When you add those figures, the reduction in shock trauma gun cases looks less like 40% and more like 25%. You can see Scharfstein's memo to police Commr. Hamm at this location.

Scharfstein sqirms in his chair and insists that he thought the interview had been rigged in advance so as to ensure he wouldn't be embarrassed by new facts and leaves the room. Oops.

I love Jayne Miller.

Now, as I was saying, what ever happened to that independent audit of the City's crime numbers ????

Speaking of violence

About 80% of survey respondents think the City is not safer...

...among whom may be the two women shot on Sunday morning on the 3000 block, Frisby Street in Better Waverly or the resident of the 2600 block, North Calvert Street in Charles Village who woke around the same time Sunday morning to find an intruder had invaded their home. Details in the Police Blotter.

Flying fur alert!

♥Jayne Miller♥ reported on BAL tonight that the reduction in handgun-related crimes, with all four trauma centers taken into account, was 25.9 percent last year-- as opposed to the 40-something the O'Malley administration put out there a few months ago (based on two hospitals). Twenty-six percent is still an admirable figure and no cause for shame, but when Jayne confronted the young health commissioner, Joshua Sharfstein, with the figures... oy yi yi vay! He nearly cried, then got bitchy and huffed out! Ah, the petulance of youth.

Your wish...

Here's what crime looks like in Baltimore.

You see in the center where a grey (low-criminality) area is surrounded from the East and the South by a J-shaped band of green/yellow? That's called Charles Village. See the dark green plume up the east side of Greenmount, through its surrounding neighborhoods? That's called home. About where the J turns and heads Northward is called Better Waverly. The red spot just below is Barclay/Harwood.

The crime would be so easy to wipe out, given a couple hundred cops, because everything around it is pretty okay. This is why the Greenmount corridor is sometimes called the spinal cord of crime in Northern Baltimore.

All it would take would be a Mayor with some cojones.

September 19

A double homicide in the 2300 block of Lanvale Street. ... If you'd like to know how many homicides we've had so far this year, call Dr. David Fowler of the Medical Examiner's office at 410-333-3063. There have been about 194-204, but only he knows for sure.

"I couldn't stay silent." the Sun's Matthew Dolan tells the tale of Edna McAbier, who may never be able to return to her beloved Harwood neighborhood, even though the Bloods who bombed her house are in jail. Sigh. Says a neighbor, "she brought it on herself."

WBAL covers the federal court appeal of Vernon L. Evans, Jr.

WJZ: a hearing re. reopening the Robert Clay case may be held this month.

Carl Evans was convicted of murdering his stepdaughter Breaunna Floyd, 13.

billandmartinWow, I remember this story (or one like it) from a few years ago: the Orthodox Jewish community is rallying to support Cynthia Ohana; her abusive control-freak of an ex-husband Ephraim won't grant her a divorce.

OMG!! Bill himself is coming to Maryland October 17 to help O'Malley raise money!

Correction: the body of Roxanne Amick, 40, was found wrapped in a blanket (it sounds like on the side of Belair Road), her van was found at the mall.

Monday, September 18, 2006

September 18

Baltimore County Police identified two bodies found on Friday: Elvis Furman Garcia, 35, of Hanover was found shot by the side of Sulphur Spring Road. And Roxanne Stitz Amick, 40, of Nottingham was found in her van in the Perry Hall Crossing Shopping Center.

The FBI has released official stats for 2005. They're no surprise since they're straight from the police department, but if you want them, here they are.

The murder trial of Brian Christopher Cooper, 21, of McHenry Street, is scheduled for 9:30 a.m. tomorrow before Judge Albert J. Matricciani, Jr. A Baltimore City jury convicted Cooper of first-degree murder April 28, 2003 and he was sentenced to life in prison June 26, 2003. The Court of Special Appeals vacated that murder conviction July 6, 2005 ruling Cooper's Miranda rights were violated. Says the state,
Court documents allege that on April 16, 2002 Cooper and Elliott Scott, 21, argued in front of an unlicensed taxi stand in the 2600 block of West Fairmount Avenue. After the argument, which occurred shortly before midnight, Mr. Scott walked toward his home with a female neighbor. Cooper got a "hack" to drive him home where he got a knife and returned to the neighborhood looking for Mr. Scott. Cooper allegedly found Mr. Scott on North Catherine Street, chased him into the alley behind his home in the 2500 block of West Fayette Street, and stabbed Mr. Scott three times. Mr. Scott underwent emergency surgery at the Shock Trauma Unit and described his assailant before succumbing to his injuries.
Guy Gordon Marsh, 60, spent 14 years in prison for a murder he didn't commit.

Four Harford County homicides last summer may have been the victims of Charles Eugene Burns of Kingsville.

Three inmates were indicted for attempted murder for an attack on two prison guards on March 29 in Jessup.

Examiner editor employs royal "we," quotes C.S. Lewis, opines police video of man being punched in jaw could incite riots* a la CA 1992.

Arguments over whether executing Vernon L. Evans Jr. could constitute cruel and unusual punishment are expected to start this week in federal court in Baltimore.

Purse-snatching, robbery, a stolen NASCAR jacket and some almost-stolen gutters in the Blotter.

Bones found Friday in Harford County turned out to belong to some kind of animal.

In PGC, while answering a domestic call, a police officer shot and killed a man. PGC officers have been incolved in two fatal shootings so far this month.

hillary-clinton-naked-2 The Maryland Dems are inviting folks to an evening with Hillary R. Clinton on Monday September 25 at the UMD Conference Center in Adelphi. If you'd like to go, RSVP to one Melissa Campbell at (301) 858-8818 or
Ps., general admission is $250, students are $75, and a (clothed) photo op is $2,500.

Did you know? Yesterday was "Constitution Day."

Quote of the day, from David Simon: "The problems that we're depicting in [The Wire] have been going on and have been unattended to in any comprehensive way for 40 or 50 years ... The notion that any single politician or any single administration should have blame affixed for what we're trying to discuss here is simplistic and ridiculous. ... You'd have to blame every administration going back to McKeldin and Mandel."

* History Corner: The 1992 Rodney King riots were not just in L.A. but throughout the state, with the burning and looting far north as Oakland and Berkeley. Other major anti-police riots include Watts, 1965; Stonewall, NYC, 1969; the Tompkins Square Park Police Riot, 1988 NYC; the Brixon Riots, UK, 1981, 1985 and 1995; the Cape Town "Purple Rain" riots; and Paris, 2005.

Sunday, September 17, 2006

Just posting the link to the wbal survey

Residents appear to take issue with O'Malley's assertions that Baltimore is much safer. See the survey results. When over three quarters of respondents say it's not safer,...that's a story. Especially when the sample size (n>750) is substantial.

September 17

The man shot in Catonsville was ID'd as Dejuan Carlos Lumpkins, 24. Like the other two recent County murders, Lumpkins' death is a total mytsery.

Elections chief Linda Lamone to local boards of elections: fix polling problems or it's your ass. Baltimore elections president: "much of the training is done by Diebold ... if Diebold isn't competent, why did [Lamone] hire them?"

Saturday, September 16, 2006

September 16

The public defender's office, which was suing the Maryland Division of Pretrial Detention and Services over delays at the Central Booking and Intake Center, has requested that the suit be dropped. Stat: more than 100,000 people are arrested in Baltimore each year. Baltimore City's population is about 635,000.

calvin-jonesJesus. Yvonne Whitaker was slammed into a toilet with so much force the toilet broke. The assailant was one Calvin Louis Jones, left, 46, of Marianna, Florida, whom she met online. He's on the lam, wanted for attempted murder.

A suicidal armed man surrendered peacefully in HoCo.

The Sun has more about the shooting of Antonio Gilmore at the "Better" Waverly Blockbuster®. (192-200)

Three inmates were stabbed at Jessup last night.

Glenn Curry, who appeared to be cold-clocked in the jaw while handcuffed by a police officer, has only a traffic ticket on his criminal record-- not exactly the "numerous arrests" BPD spokesman Matt Jablow claimed. Said Curry's lawyer, "If the Baltimore City police wants to look at anyone's record, they should look in the mirror." Burn!

At a hearing Friday, Judge Althea Handy sentenced Donte Knight, 22, of North Stricker Street to 50 years in prison, the first five years (!) to be served without the possibility of parole. Baltimore City jury convicted Knight August 4, 2006 of second-degree murder, use of a handgun in the commission of a crime of violence and other handgun counts. On May 7, 2005 Donte Knight approached the victim, Donald Woodard, 45, who was walking southbound in the 1500 block of North Calhoun St. Knight produced a .45 caliber semi automatic handgun and shot Mr. Woodard several times hitting him twice in the buttocks and once in the abdomen. Police recovered from the crime two .45 caliber shell casings, one spent bullet, various pieces of clothing from the victim, and two bullet fragments from inside of a GMC truck. Mr. Woodard told the responding officer, Officer Hayes, that a black male known as "Donte" AKA "Yamean" shot him.

Jayne McClean, 26, got 33 months for planning a fake bank robbery. And a lot of people were sentenced forconspiring to distribute heroin: George Butler, who appeared on "Stop Fucking Snitching," got 10 years.

A former Special Ed TA in Catonsville pled guilty to firearm posession with a felony conviction.

In Talbot County, Brian Dancik, convicted of beating his mother to death, was mistakenly released after serving 76 days. He was re-arrested in Caroline County.

Randy Dorsey, a deputy with the FredCo Sheriff's office was charged with arson for setting his girlfriend's SUV on fire.

imagesA Cardin staffer has been sacked after referring to "Jewish noses," allegedly referring to Oreo cookies on her blog.

Friday, September 15, 2006

September 15 - Murder in Better Waverly

As I've been reporting...

Antonio Gilmore, age 38, store manager of Blockbuster Video at Waverly Crossings on Homestead Street was murdered last night by gunshot in an attempted armed robbery. Police are investigating. I was inside the supermarket across the street at the time. The ambo and the black and whites showed up around 8:45 p.m. Gilmore is the brother of an officer in BCPD. The two gunmen were presumably caught on tape.

"I'm just sick to my stomach, it just gives me the goosebumps. I don't understand what's going on to this neighborhood," said Roy Nam of Green's Carryout. "I've been here ten years now, met a lot of people, seen a lot die too." (from wjz)

From the AARP debate:

"I think crime has gone up no matter what [O'Malley] says," said Gary Watts, a 71-year-old Baltimore resident and Ehrlich supporter. "I used to not have to lock my door. Now, I won't even go to the corner store without locking it." (in the Sun)

While the audience broadly dismissed O'Malley's claims that crime in Baltimore is down, most notable was Governor Ehrlich's recognition of sources stating that the City administration appears to be manipulating the data. Ok, so initiate a formal investigation, please?

In the Police Blotter, mostly burglary and theft, but a stabbing on West North and a robbery at Mondawmin Mall in the parking lot.

From the Courthouse

In courtroom news, multiple murderer-rapist Raymont Hopewell was sentenced to four life sentences without parole by Judge John M. Glynn. While the 35 year-old claimed regret, none of the victims' families seemed to be buying it.

Former Jessup Corrections Officer Rasheem Jamal Robionson was sentenced to five years in prison plus on federal charges of selling coke to federal agents at Security Square Mall.

East side, West side, all around town

Also, lotsa bodies seem to be turning up under different circumstances in Arbutus, Perry Hall(Baltimore County), Aberdeen, and Edgewood(Harford).

A few robberies and a lotta vehicle theft in the Northern reported in the Messenger's Crime Log.

Thursday, September 14, 2006

September 14

The BPD is having a bad couple of days: an amateur video appears to shows a police officer punching a heroin-possession suspect in the jaw.

An arraignment is scheduled for Baltimore police officer William Darrell Welch, 40, of Quiet Stream Court, Timonium, at 9:30 a.m. tomorrow before Judge John P. Miller, 428 Mitchell Courthouse. The Baltimore City Grand Jury indicted Welch August 23, 2006 with one count of second-degree rape and three counts of misconduct in office. If convicted of the count of rape, Welch could be sentenced to imprisonment not exceeding 20 years. Misconduct in office is a common law offense that carries a period of incarceration in whatever amount a court deems is fair and reasonable. The indictment alleges that on July 16 in the Southeastern District Station Welch had sexual intercourse with a 16-year-old girl after she had been taken into custody by another officer.

fingersMore on the "testilying" cops of the SE-- there'll almost certainly be a lawsuit (good thing the city doesn't have any money any more!)
ps., the story has been picked up by the AP and appears in papers from Los Angeles to the UK.

Sentencing for admitted quintuple-murderer Raymont Hopewell hearing has been delayed to 2:00 p.m. today. The hearing will be before Judge John M. Glynn, 236 Mitchell Courthouse, 110 N. Calvert St. UPDATE: Hopewell "issued a half-hearted apology" then was sentenced to life without parole.

Two homicide victims have been ID'd: the man killed on 8th St. in Brooklyn was Steven A. King, 19.
A man shot in Washington Village was ID'd as Geroge Young, 23.
They make the annual homicide total at least 191 and probably closer to 199. The State's Attorney's office reports 180.

At a hearing yesterday Penny Christian, 37, and Jerome Sutton, 33, of Ruxton Avenue, pled guilty to armed robbery. Judge Albert J. Matricciani, Jr. sentenced Christian to 18 months in prison (and three years' probation). Judge Matricciani sentenced Sutton to five years in prison (and three years probation). On February 2, 2006 the pair assaulted and robbed a Sun newspaper vendor at the intersection of North Avenue and Fulton.

Most interesting! Police, backed by the federal Maryland Exile campaign, passed out a flier to let the community know that murderer Charles Garrison is in jail. (It's like they're crime blogging, but in 2-D!)

International News
A double homicide in HarfCo, two brothers killed in Edgewood (not related to the home-invasion gunfire reported earlier.)

Horrible: In Westminister, under the watch of two 16-year-old moms, a 15-month-old child fell out of a moving car and was dragged 85 feet through a parking lot.

In MoCo, Doug Duncan got out of bed and removed his shoebox-slippers to demand that the county's election officials be fired.

...don't forget to mail your quarterly taxes, self-employed people... MoCo Franchot will be cashing your check!

Wednesday, September 13, 2006

September 13

Murder Ink: 190 intentional, unjustified homicides as of Sept. 10.

Two stories PR people waited to release until the day after the election:
Not a year after news of the SW district's "Flex Squad" broke, a second specialized police unit has been shut down on account of a criminal investigation. This time, a "Special Enforcement Team," or SET, in the Southeast is facing allegations that officers lied on charging documents. Once again, dozens of cases may be dismissed.

What the?! Baltimore city found $16 million-- and is going to give $440,000 to the Jewish Museum?! My kid's school needs $2 million of structural repairs and has contaminated water! That museum can't raise its own money?!?! How dare they. That is my money, and if I wanted to give it to some museum then I would! Who decided this? How can it be legal? Even if it's legal it sure ain't right!

In Baltimore Couny, trial is underway for Carl Evans, 36, accused of killing his 13-year-old stepdaughter Breaunna and setting fire to his house to cover up the murder.

Twenty-four-year old Nicole Stevenson was indicted for taking the personal info of a patient at Harbor Hospital and using it to buy more than $61k worth of stuff. And a Dominican man got 132 months in prison for smuggling cocaine and heroin into MD inside car batteries. And a postal employee who faked a bad back will have to pay $242k in fraudulently collected pay, back. And a serial bank robber, fake accounting at the credit union, felons with guns, etc.

A campaign volunteer for State's Sttorney candidate Steve Fogelman was robbed at 3 a.m. as he put on signs near a middle school on the West side. Duh.

Nutcase Karl Glenn Salenieks of Crofton got 6 1/2 years in prison for being a felon in possession. He was busted after posing as a cop and pulling over a car full of undercover officers, which had to have made one hi-larious scene.

Underage drinkers at Uncle Lee's China Room and the Latin Palace were charged for illegal consumption and trying to pass fake IDs.

Residents are being fined for not draining standing water after a rainstorm.

Two HoCo women are charged with animal cruelty for cat-collecting.

"That part of urban America which has been left behind by the economy and by the greater society" = good watchin'! The Wire will go on for a fifth season!

In Annapolis, a principal blamed MySpace for the recent high-school gang fight.

Looks like Franchot has won.

Fill in the blank: A Delaware band director was arrested for ...

September 13, early morning edition

Andre Wilkins, the last of the McAbier firebombers, got 20 federal years.

... as of this writing we don't know who won for Comptroller, sounds like Cardin won for Senate, and, most annoyingly, John Sarbanes (who has done nothing) appears to have beaten Peter Beilienson (who saved the city from a third-world-class epidemic of teen pregnancy and crocth rot) in the 3rd.
kimora lee carterJill Carter's in in the 41st (is anything on her not fake?).
And Doug Gansler [is almost] in the courthouse (did he know what the building smelled like before he decided to run?)
The Mfume/Cardin race is nail-bitingly close. I still think Cardin will win, but the margin is tightening (3,000 votes) and reports are just starting (at 1 a.m.) to come in from Baltimore city, so there may still be surprises.

Sisters with two different last names got in a beer-bottle-brawl. And a man shouted "Bitchmuthafucka, you know what it is!" before a robbery in the Western.

The Sun covers the Patterson Park community meeting following the shooting of officer Robert Cirello.

Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Primary Day '06

It's Primary Day!

The Sun's got the first stories of the effed-up poll machines. As you may have already found out firsthand today, brand-new machines are being run by untrained or badly-trained workers, polls didn't always open on time and in some areas machines and/or election judges, in particular, Republican judges, did not show up at all!

NEVERTHELESS, the board of elections voted against extending voting for another hour in Baltimore City! Judge Holland shot them down and polling places will be open until 9-- but if you haven't voted yet, go to the polls now!! (and bring something to read in line)

Polls are open from 7 a.m. to 8 p.m. 9 p.m.
Though here at the blog we probably disagree on who to vote for, we love election day! Especially local elections, because your vote might even matter.
Some tips:

  • Check your polling place online or on your voter registration card before you go-- it may have changed since the last election.

  • You do have to be reigstered with a party affiliation to vote in this here primary election. Sorry, independents, libertarians, Greens, communists, etc.

  • Did you know? In the city you'll also be voting for members of your party's central committee, Clerk of the Court, Circuit Court Judges, Orphan's Court judges, State's Attorney, register of wills and Sheriff. Surprise!

  • So do bring notes (we like the LWV info sheet)-- written materials are allowed, and you don't want to just vote for whoever happened to get a flier in your face.

  • If you don't know the candidates or can't decide, you can just skip a category.
    Your other votes will still count.

  • Before you go, find your city council district and figure out what district of your party you're in. Repulicans are district 3, 4, 6, 10-13, Dems are 40, 41, or 43-46.

  • If you have your voter registration card, you may or may not be asked for ID. Just in case, it's a good idea take your license, passport or a bill (utility, phone, tax assessment with your name and address).

  • You can take your kids inside with you, but not your dog(s).

  • For more info or help use the board of elections site or the "Voter Empowerment Hotline" at 1-888-678-VOTE.

*Assuming your vote does count. So far I haven't talked to a single person who has a scrap of faith in the new Diebold® system.
The Friends-of-Cheney company made $90 million on the machines (just in MD), but couldn't have people on hand to train workers and make sure the machines functioned?
I'm starting to get why so many readers hate Republicans more than Hezbollah ...!